How to do a Git Interactive Rebase

Git Interactive rebase is used to cleanup your git history. This is a search phrase that I constantly google despite having done it more often than I can count.

These are tried and true steps for cleaning up hastily typed commits or squashing multiple commits to make your git log cleaner.

  1. Run git log to see the list of commits.
  2. Run git rebase -i HEAD~6 and set the number to the number of commits you want to see. 6 for eg, will allow you to edit your 6 most recent commits.
  3. Refer to the Vim commands cheat sheet: for possible operations.
  4. Move your cursor to the commit you want to move and type dd to cut the line.
  5. If you want to merge two commits into one, move your cursor to the commit you want to squash it with and press p to insert the line back in.
  6. Hit i to get into INSERT mode.
  7. With the cursor in the same line with the commit you want to squash, delete the word pick and replace it with s or squash. Hit ESC to exit the insert mode.
  8. Hit :wq to write changes and quit.
  9. It will attempt the rebase then prompt you to select the commit message you want, or write a new one.
  10. Hit i to insert some text and use # to comment out lines.
  11. When you're done, hit :wq to save.